Kien Nguyen
You are the vessel that thoughts and ideas come through
If your name has ever become famous, it is not you that has became famous.
It is the thoughts and the ideas that went through and out of you that has gotten famous.
It is these thoughts that has resonated with and elevated people's view of the world, and found the way into their memory as well.
Position yourself to receive these ideas.
These ideas come out of nowhere, and at random times, through the combinations of what you have experienced and what you've learned from others.
When they come, evaluate them and give them back out into the world.
Or if the thoughts are about an actual thing that you can create, go ahead and create it.
It is not Thomas Edison that people treasures, they treasure the lightbulb idea that has gotten into him, and because of his strong believe in this idea, brought it out into the world.
It is not Sylvester Stallone that people adore, it's the Rocky and his incredible story that people was inspired from and changed their life because of.
It is not you that people look up to, it's the ideas that came into you and lived out by you, which are so inspiring and life changing, that people remember and take in as a part of themselves as well.
- Next: Communicate Ideas
- Previous: Self discovering or being taught to