
What a time to be 21

I would say go to uni or travel the world with your laptop and try and build little startups, by learning free code camp or whatever.

And meet a lot of people, talk to a lot different people. Be open. And it's normal to feel nervous.

It's normal to be socially awkward.

It's normal to be scared of everything.

But have a lot of different experiences. And I'm still trying to do that.

But man, it gets harder when you get older, your brain starts to avoid newness. And there's a psychological trade called openness to experiences and that's reduced with age, so you need to actively train it.

And it's so easy when you're 20, it's harder when you're 30.

So yeah, have fun.

You can go anywhere.

You can go to Uganda, you can go live there.

You can go live in Japan or in Uruguay or Chile.

Or if you're a European, you go live in New York. You've always wanna live in Brooklyn, go live in Brooklyn. It's fucking expensive though but yeah, try. I lived in Brooklyn just to be able to say I live in Brooklyn, like, it's so cool.

You can go, you can live anywhere.

And everywhere is kinda same. You have the internet.

Most places you can now live for $1,000 a month. Not the big cities, but a lot of other places outside America and Europe, you can live for $1000 a month.

The world is your oyster.

What a time to be 21.

- Pieter Levels AMA on Twitch w/@roxkstar74 @ 03:21:25