Kien Nguyen
The present
Life doesn't have any definite meaning.
A meaning is what you create for yourself.
Your reasons to live is completely yours, and no one can have it exactly like yours, because no one had experienced the same things as you did.
But there is one thing that is applicable to most people, that is the joy one can extract from focusing on the present.
Being on the present means that you can feel what's happening in your surroundings, make use and appreciate what you are having.
But digital technologies take both of this aspect of living in the present away from our lives.
We can't feel and think about what's happening in your life when you're bombarded with non-relavant things online.
We can't appreciate and think of ways to make use of what we're currently having when we're constantly feeling inferior.
We feel inferior to the fake happy lives people put on for their "show".
We feel inferior to the fake things people've achieved that means absolutely nothing.
We feel inferior to the constant "wins" that hard working and lucky people've had, but didn't see any of their struggles and sacrifices they've had to make to get those wins.
We feel inferior because of the little "view" counts we have, and how little we can impact the world around us.
But things get better when we step away from all of these negative train of thoughts.
We can recollect the things that are happening in our lives and the direction it's heading.
If our life is heading into the destination that we don't want, believe it or not, you can course correct your life's path to lead it to a more preferable direction.
When doing your personal "inventory", you can see the skills, relationships, location, and opportunities you're having.
With your personal qualities figured out, you can see how to combine them to make a better life for yourself.
When you're not suffocated in inferior thoughts, we can reclaim an ammount of confidence for ourself, enough to push us to do things we wouldn't dare to attempt.
And when you realise that your voice are always valuable, even when it doesn't reach the whole world, you're more likely to create more, and therefore get better at your craft.
This is also the reason why I publish these thoughts of mine. I write with hope to be able to help a fellow or two who are struggling with the same questions as mine.
I looked out my window
and saw how beautiful the wind blows.
Which shows
Life aren't that bad after all.
- Next: Brain and body
- Previous: Communicate Ideas